Showing posts with label DR .Peter Bablis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DR .Peter Bablis. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Peter Bablis: The real Alchemist

Peter Bablis is the modern world Alchemist. He makes sure that not only the disease is cured, but rooted out. He always aims at achieving the goal of rendering a peaceful and healthy life to the individuals to the patients. He adopts a clear methodology of curing the individual from disease that has lasting impact on the mind and soul of the patient.  Peter Bablis builds the immunity and health of the body, by creating an environment, which is defined by trust, courage and accord. The best highlight of his treatment is that it is not marred by the prospects of ominous side-effects. Patients, who had undertaken the treatment from Peter...

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Path breaking Revolutionary in Medical Sciences - Dr. Peter Bablis

Visiting a doctor has become a day to day routine in today’s times. The amount of stress due to work, college life and a non-existent social life leads to a lot of complications. Even an apple a day is not sufficient to keep the doctor away. At such times, all you need is the best doctor who can rid you of all your ailments. The world’s answer to ground breaking revolution in medical practice is here, and it’s Dr. Peter Bablis from Australia. Dr. Bablis is a medical practitioner holding degrees such as sports medicine, acupuncture, clinical nutrition, naturopathy, homeopathy and several more. With such high qualifications, Dr. Peter Bablis has...

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Get your appointment with Peter Bablis

There are many good physicians in the world, but there are very rare doctors who just don’t treat you but cure you as a human being. Your body is a temple and you need to treat it like that. Not many doctors understand this and they simply try and treat the disease without knowing the root cause of it. They hardly get into the depth of a disease, they just superficially understands the basic problem and try and treat it. But this is not actually a way to go about it. Knowing the background of a person, what does he/she eats and how does he/she live is important.  Dr. Peter Bablis is someone who understands these facts and treats you as you....

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Peter Bablis Life Story

Life is never free from problems with health. All people have some or the other problem. The busy job needs have made them spend erratic lifestyle. They cannot maintain discipline in the life. Lot of health problems come in their lives. They feel confused and threatened and do not know where to go. Peter Bablis treats people with natural medicines that give them lot of relief without occurrence of side effects. This man has tremendous will power and self determination. He has taken up this matter as passion and has serve humans for over 21 years. People under his treatment have observed miraculous changes in life. He is a master in Naturopathy,...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Information about Peter Bablis

People in recent times suffer from all types of diseases. They are so busy with professional life that they neglect their health and follow indiscipline lifestyle. No man is free from complications. Peter Bablis has emerged as natural curing personnel in the health industry. His dedication and hard work has made him a reliable personality to visit. People love to visit him for natural techniques of healing like Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Kinesiology, Medical Herbals, Sports Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. He treats people with great concern and has been in the medical field for as long as 21 years. Peter Bablis is not fond of monetary benefits all the time. He along with his dedicated team of workers likes to give natural remedies to patients. They love to look at their health...

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A randomized controlled trial of the Neuro Emotional Technique youth focus

 Peter Bablis chiropractors, three men and a woman have their time and services to deliver interventions to study participants free of charge. Chiropractors have tertiary qualifications varied: one had a Bachelor of Medical Science and a Master of Chiropractic, two had a Bachelor of Science and a Master of chiropractic and it was a Bachelor of Science degree in chiropractic. All chiropractors had seen four workshops on a net period of two years, and passed certification exams in theory and practice, and thus qualified NET certified practitioners. These practitioners were chosen on the basis that they...

Friday, 27 January 2012

Best treatment for patients available in universal health

At the Universal Healthcare we dedicate ourselves to provide the cutting edge products and services in the field of chiropractic medicine and natural. In the beginning founded by a chiropractor Peter Bablis, Universal Health has grown rapidly in two health centers in Sydney as long as a wide range of research therapies. This tried the individual characteristics and the work associated with identifying the frequency of stressful events for chiropractors in Victoria and to identify sources of stress. Data were collected from 305 Victorian chiropractors using questionnaires completed anonymously. Seven sources...

Friday, 20 January 2012

Well trained doctors of universal health

 Peter is the originator and driving strength at the back of the "Universal Health" health center whose goal and viewpoint is to give advanced centers of brilliance in the field of holistic health. It is a well respected and known in his field his pioneering work in Mind Body Medicine, chiropractic techniques and specialized kinesiology. He is a research chair and director of the Fund for Scientific Research nonprofit Mind Body Medicine research. In the year of 2008 Peter was hired professor at Notre Dame Institution of higher education Medical School, Sydney. It was also the leader of the Acupuncture...

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Universal Health Care's Best Services

Universal Health specialises in providing leading edge services and products within the chiropractic and natural medicine field. Your Universal Health practitioner is highly trained to provide a wide spectrum of therapies. You have a unique body, lifestyle and situation. We take time to understand you, your circumstances and the physical environment that you live in. These are all then considered for a total focus on your health. The wide range of therapies enables your practitioner to select a program specifically for you, using only those techniques that benefit you. Your practitioner looks for the cause of illness rather than treating the effect or symptoms, thus treating the whole person, including physical, chemical and emotional factors, in an environment which encourages trust, development,...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

About Medical Herbalism And Their Benefits

Medical Herbalism is a sophisticated system of natural medicine using plant extracts and herbs to help treat physical and mental disorders. It is the oldest system of medicine in the world. Some of the very plants used today were dispensed by the father of medicine, Hippocrates. Many common drugs today are made from herbal extracts. Unlike conventional medicine, herbalists use the whole herb or plant rather than isolating and breaking down chemical compounds and then synthesising them. This is because the plant, being a part of Nature, is said to represent perfect balance; healing requires the natural combination of elements in the plant or herb, not just a single chemical within it. The Benefits:- Herbal Medicine will create deep and lasting health improvements in a safe, gentle but effective...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Benefits of Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine encompasses the medical care and welfare of the exercising population. This ranges from planning rehabilitation for patients after surgery to the medical support of world class athletes. Sports Medicine draws on many modalities including, clinical medicine, orthopaedics, exercise physiology, biomechanics, kinesiology, physical therapy, athletic training, massage therapy & sports nutrition, to ensure the best results in the diagnosis and management of problems related to sports and exercise. Sports Medicine is suitable for you at any level of fitness or recovery, it is suitable for children, the elderly, as well as elite athletes. Our whole idea is to rehabilitate you as quickly as possible as well as give you tips to lessen the chance of re-injury. Your Rehabilitation...

Monday, 21 November 2011

Paediatric Chiropactic

Chiropractic care for children can have dramatic results. A child's developing spine protects the nervous system, which coordinates every process between the mind and body. Birth is one of the most traumatic events that we will ever have to endure, and can cause the vertebrae in the spine and the bones of the skull to become misaligned. A child's spine continues to receive the daily stresses and traumas of life as they grow. These forces distort the positioning of the spine and may cause slight pressure on the spinal cord, thus reducing the flow of communication between the mind and the body. These misalignments,known as subluxations, alter how well the nervous system functions and thus how well your child's mind and body function develops. The Benefits:-Paediatric chiropractic...

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Pilot Study of Neuro Emotional Technique for Low Back Pain

Purpose: To investigate the effect of Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) and to test the procedures of the proposed RCT for the management of chronic low back pain. Procedures include the recruitment of participants, attainment of assessment data, refinement of treatment and sham protocols.Relevance: Low back pain is the most common presentation to chiropractic practitioners [1]. Pain is defined as “the unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage or expressed in terms of such damage [2]. Recent evidence suggests that much chronic LBP is associated with physical and psychosocial components [3]. The biopsychosocial model of pain acknowledges the biological, psychological and...

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Peter Bablis Peter Bablis